Quality and safety of agricultural raw materials and food products for the FEIT is a fundamental factor of work.

We cooperate only with responsible Manufacturers, making strictest quality and safety requirements not only to the raw materials and food, but also to methods and mechanisms of control applied by our Partners.

The FEIT also exercises independent control over the quality and safety of food products along the chain of their production and deliveries by forces of the attracted laboratories.

The main regions of production and deliveries where the FEIT has been operating for more than 15 years do not apply on an industrial scale mineral fertilizers, chemical remedies for plants, and also gene-modified (GMO) plants and animals.

We act AGAINST the uncontrolled use of mineral fertilizers, chemical remedies, as well as GMO penetration in nature. The worsening global ecological situation already exerts impact on product quality, and all responsible forces should make every effort for improvement of situation and preservation of the remained ecological oases of the planet.

We act IN FAVOUR of the coordinated work of monitoring bodies and industry associations, the self-organization of producers, processors and operators of the market in questions of quality. And also in favour of standardization, certifications and harmonization of requirements of the trading partner countries.

And one of our approved strategies – "providing high standards and quality for products and services" – is the important tool of long-term competitiveness and long-term success.
The FEIT company was established as an international partnership that combined competencies, experience and a well-formed understanding of responsibility within the definition of "Food security".

In our mission, we formulated a commitment for ourselves – "To make every possible contribution to ensuring food security and shaping global food flows, to create new growth points for exports of renewable resources, preserving and protecting the Earth.

The world's population is growing by more than 100 thousand people every day.
And the issues of food security, meeting the basic needs of people in safe, high-quality and at the same time affordable food and water in many countries, including actively developing and densely populated ones, are becoming issues of participation in the formation and distribution of global food flows. Food is becoming a global and strategic commodity, the demand for which will constantly grow in the long term.

Participating in the formation of these global food flows is our honor, opportunity and, of course, a great responsibility.

In this regard, it is important not only state regulation, but also the formation of responsible self-organization and self-regulation of industry players both within the country and at the level of international cooperation. The FEIT, being a responsible participant, makes every effort and participates in all industry and professional platforms where it is possible to achieve:
- coordination and self-regulation of the actions of the participants, excluding even hypothetical damage to the food security of the trading partner countries;
- formation of sectoral and interstate programs that create conditions for long-term, stable and transparent development of the food production and food trade market.

This also applies to our contribution to the preservation of the ecosystem – soil, water and the diversity of the animal and plant world, not only as the natural needs of a reasonable person who is responsible to future generations ("preserve what nature has created and improved for millions of years, giving it to us"), but also as a factor of long-term "food security". In this regard, we cooperate only with responsible producers, and also make great efforts and industry initiatives aimed at responsible self-organization and legislative control over how economic entities handle soil and water, as well as the overall environmental impact.
The FEIT company build goal-oriented long-term relations with partners, industry associations and local authorities for the purpose of distribution of practice of socially responsible approach to business.

We observe and we demand from partners that they observe laws of the Countries on whose territory transactions are performed, including, but not limited to tax payment, conducting business activities in the legal framework, and observance of local business and social etiquette.

One of the purposes of the FEIT is to "respect the principles of moral and social responsibility of Business before Society and the State", and only then "maximizing joint-stock value and capitalization of business".

In the FEIT we consider that to feed people, participating in forming of global food flows, is a noble work, a great honor, and great responsibility.